Organising for Power.

After a successful cohort of member participants attended the 2022 edition of Organising for Power, a six-week online course, we are again registering a cohort in 2024. This year we are particularly focussing on members who are engaged and active in Te Pūkenga, our Pay Equity claims or one of our many representative networks.

TEU has committed to providing opportunities for member development so that you can be best placed to contribute to and support the actions we collectively take to improve the work and conditions for our members.

As you will know, we have major campaigns occurring this year including progressing gender pay equity claims in our universities, negotiations in Te Pūkenga for the renewal of our kaimahi collective agreement, negotiations at the majority of universities, as well as a number of other projects across the sector. We want to ensure this work is effective and wide reaching!

We are offering you the opportunity to join this internationally developed course that will provide skills and tools to assist with campaigning.

It will run from 8 May – 12 June from 12 – 2.30pm every Wednesday.

Following the sessions there will be regular catch-ups over Zoom to discuss progress and the actions we are taking together as we work our way through our major campaigns.

Participating in the programme does not mean you will be loaded up with work! We will provide appropriate bite sized training for you, and you will be one of a group of members from across our representative networks who are trained up to support our campaign work.

If you are keen to take up this opportunity, please send your name and contact details to by Friday 26 April.